In this tutorial, learn how to download and install SoundHound on Windows PC or Laptop. You can install SoundHound on Windows PC for free if you use Bluestacks. This emulator allows you to play the free Android version on your computer.
SoundHound makes it simple to discover music playing around you. It doesn’t matter if you’re at home, in your car, or anywhere else. Just open the app, hit the big orange button, and we’ll tell you exactly what song is playing
Downloading SoundHound For PC (Windows 10/8/7) For Free
You can install the mobile version of the app ( which is FREE) with the help of Bluestacks
Basically, you will need to install the Bluestacks on your Windows PC or Laptop. Then you can download SoundHound from the Google Play Store of Bluestacks.
Download SoundHound from Google Play Store
Make sure your computer meets the recommended requirements to run Bluestacks.
- OS: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7
- Processor: Intel or AMD Processor.
- RAM: Your PC must have at least 2GB of RAM. (Note that having 2GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)
- HDD: 5GB Free Disk Space.
- You must be an Administrator on your PC.
- Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
- Internet: Broadband connection to access games, accounts, and related content.
How to install SoundHound in Windows 10
1. First, download and install Bluestacks on your PC.
2. Launch Bluestacks emulator and login with Google account.
3. Once this is done, just open the Google Play Store then search for “SoundHound”. When you find the game proceed with downloading it. After the installation has finished you can now use SoundHound on your computer.

Or you can also install SoundHound on the PC by applying the SoundHound APK file if you can’t find an app on the Google Play store. You may also like: How to Download an APK File from the Google Play Store
See also: How To Install APK in Bluestacks
After performing the steps listed above you will successfully install SoundHound on PC for free.
That’s about it.