iPhone Ear Speaker Not Working? Here’s The Fix!

iPhone Ear Speaker Not Working? Here’s The Fix!

Is it difficult for you to hear your buddy on the other end of your iPhone? Is your iPhone’s ear speaker not working properly? In this post, I’ll explain how to fix your iPhone ear speaker when it just won’t cooperate!

Turn Up The Volume When Making A Phone Call

When making a phone call, I recommend bumping up the volume before trying anything else. Keep in mind that you’ll have to modify the volume during the call because these settings are separate from the rest of your iPhone’s volume settings.

Remove The Case and Clean Out All The Speakers And Microphones

If adjusting the volume doesn’t work, take the case off and clean out all of the speakers and microphones. Consider how much dirt and dust particles your iPhone acquires on a daily basis. It’s probably overdue to clean your iPhone if you haven’t done so in a while.

Make sure to thoroughly clean each speaker and microphone. One microphone is in the earpiece, one is near the charging port on the bottom, and one is on the back of your iPhone near the camera lens. The best instrument for the job is an anti-static brush or a fresh new toothbrush. And don’t forget to be gentle!

Turn Off Phone Noise Cancellation

Phone Noise Cancellation is a useful feature, but it can occasionally cause more harm than good. While it’s designed to block out background noise, it can make your calls seem a little choppy at times.

Follow these procedures to switch off Phone Noise Cancellation:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Click Accessibility.

3. Press Audio/Visual.

4. Turn off Phone Noise Cancellation.

Reset All Settings

It can be difficult to pinpoint the source of some software issues. As a result, we recommend that you reset all of your iPhone’s settings. Everything in the iPhone Settings app will be reset to factory defaults.

You’ll need to reinstall your wallpaper, re-enter your Wi-Fi passwords, reconnect your Bluetooth gadgets, and so on. It’s a tiny fee to pay to have your iPhone back in working order.

Go to Settings and click General -> Reset -> Reset All Settings to Reset All Settings.

Comparing Your Repair Options

If the ear speaker on your iPhone is still not working, it’s time to look into some repair possibilities. The Apple Store is always ready and willing to assist you with your iPhone requirements. The Apple Store should be your first stop if you have AppleCare+. Just make sure to set up a meeting first!

You can also rely on Puls, a technology-focused maintenance firm that comes to you. Either business will undoubtedly resolve your iPhone issue.

Check Out The UpPhone Comparison Tool

If everything else fails, it may be time to upgrade to a new phone. If that’s the case, the UpPhone comparison tool might assist you in your search. This comparison tool makes phone shopping simple and straightforward!

I Can Hear You Now!

Your iPhone’s ear speaker is now operational, allowing you to make phone calls again. You’ll know what to do the next time your iPhone’s ear speaker stops working. Do you have any other questions? Leave a comment!

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