How to Turn a TikTok Sound Into Your Alarm or Ringtone on iPhone For Free

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make any TikTok sound your alarm or ringtone on both iPhone and Android devices.

One of the coolest things about TikTok is that a sound on the app can go viral without being in a video. Most of the time, popular sounds on TikTok start huge trends that lead to hundreds of thousands of new videos. This has made a lot of people wonder how they can use these viral sounds outside of the app.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to use an online tool called lovetik to turn any TikTok sound into a free ringtone or alarm. We’ll talk about how to do this on both an Android phone and an iPhone.

How to Make a TikTok Sound Your Ringtone or Alarm on Android

Turning a TikTok sound into a ringtone or alarm on an Android phone is pretty easy, no matter what brand of phone you have. Even though each Android device is a little different, this tutorial will show you the basics of how to download and use TikTok audio on your phone.

When you find a video on TikTok with the audio you want to use, tap the Share button and then click the Copy Link button. This will copy the URL of the video to your clipboard right away.

Step 2. Upload the video to lovetik page

Go to lovetik in your mobile browser. Then paste the link you just copied from TikTok. lovetik will automatically import the video from TikTok and in just a few seconds you’ll see it appear in the converter.

Then, export and download as an MP3

Step 3. Set the TikTok sound as a ringtone or alarm

Once you’ve saved the TikTok sound to your phone, you can use it as an alarm or ringtone on your Android device. Find where the file is saved on your phone and choose it.

The next step will be different for each device, but you should be able to set the file as a ringtone somewhere on the file screen or in the audio player. Tap on this to make the sound from TikTok your phone’s ringtone.

Open your alarm app and go to the settings for your alarm sound to use the sound as your alarm. From here, you should be able to use any of your phone’s audio files as your alarm sound.

How to Make a TikTok Sound Your Ringtone or Alarm on iPhone

On an iPhone, it takes a bit longer to turn a TikTok sound into a ringtone or alarm. If you use lovetik and the free Garageband app, you’ll have to take a few extra steps, but once you’ve done it once, it’s pretty easy to make more.

  1. Copy a link to the TikTok video you want to use
  2. Upload the video to lovetik’s converter
  3. Export & Download as an MP3
  4. Add the downloaded sound to a new GarageBand Project
  5. Export the sound as a ringtone from GarageBand
  6. Set the TikTok sound as your ringtone or alarm

Step 1. Download the TikTok video you want to use

Once you find a video on TikTok with the audio you want to use, tap the Share button and then click the Save Video button. This will save the video to your phone right away.

Step 2. Upload the video to Lovetik’s converter

Go to lovetik in your mobile browser. Then paste the link you just copied from TikTok. lovetik will automatically import the video from TikTok and in just a few seconds you’ll see it appear in the converter.

Then, export and download as an MP3

Step 3. Add the downloaded sound to a new GarageBand Project

Now that you’ve saved the TikTok audio to your device, open the GarageBand app that came with your iPhone. GarageBand is free to download from the App Store if you don’t already have it.

Tap the + button in the upper right corner of the screen to start a new project. Then, tap the Tracks tab and choose the Audio Recorder option.

Choose the Track button in the top left corner of the audio recorder. Tap the Loops button at the top right of the screen once you are in the Track view.

Tap the folder icon at the bottom of the screen that says Browse Items from the Files app while in the Loops view. You should see the mp3 file you downloaded from Kapwing in the files screen. You can choose the TikTok Sound file by tapping on it.

The list will now show your audio file. To add your file to your project, hold down on it in the list and drag it to the left. We’re almost done! Just a few more steps and your ringtone or alarm sound will be ready.

Step 4. Export the sound as a ringtone from GarageBand

Now that the TikTok sound is in the GarageBand project, you need to make it 30 seconds long. This is the longest time that a ringtone or alarm can be.

Tap the tiny + button in the upper right corner of the screen to get started. Next, tap on Section A and then tap on the up Arrow to make the length 30.

Now, you need to copy and paste your sound a few times so that it plays over and over for the full 30 seconds. Tap on the track you want to copy and then choose Copy from the menu.

Tap again on the track, press Paste to add your copy, and then drag it to line up with the first waveform. Repeat this step until you have enough copies of your audio to fill the whole 30 seconds.

Tap and hold on the project you want to share, then tap Share. Tap the option to change the ringtone, then press Continue. You can change the title of your audio here, then tap Export.

Step 5. Set the TikTok sound as a ringtone or alarm

When the file is done being exported, you can use the TikTok sound as your ringtone right away by tapping Use Sound As and choosing Standard Ringtone.

Go to the Alarm app and press the Edit button to set the sound as your alarm. Touch one of your alarms, then touch Sound. Your TikTok sound will be listed under Ringtones, where you can make it your alarm sound.

In this video, we will show you how to turn a TikTok sound into your alarm or ringtone on iPhone for free:

That was a lot of steps, whew! I promise it will get easier as you add more sounds, but if you ever need help, you can always come back to this article or our YouTube video on how to use a TikTok sound as your ringtone or alarm. Now, go find the best sounds on TikTok to show off to your friends.

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