How to Increase Download Speeds In Google Chrome For Android

In this post, learn how to increase download speed in Chrome Android.

In order to boost the download speed in the chrome browser, you have to enable chrome flags settings. Then, you have to find parallel downloading features. By default, this feature is disabled, so you have to enable it.

Let me explain first what is Parallel downloading in Chrome?

Parallel downloading is mean that chrome established multiple connections to the server. It allows the Chrome browser download the files in multiple parts and combine at the end of download which results in higher download speed and minimum downloading time.

Parallel downloading in Google Chrome can be turned on by enabling a Chrome flag called “chrome-parallel-download”.

How To Increase Chrome Download Speed in Android

Make sure you are running the latest version of Google Chrome app on Android device.

1. Launch the Chrome browser app.

2. Then type in the address bar “chrome://flags“.

3. On Chrome flags page, type “parallel” in the search box and locate the flag called “parallel downloading“.

4. Tap Default and select “Enable option” from the drop-down menu.

5. After turning on the feature, tap on “Relaunch Now” button to restart Chrome browser.

Now your Chrome browser download speed is increased.

In this video, we are gonna show you how to fast download in Chrome Android:

Hope something helps you.

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