The majority of the time, Instagram does not collapse. However, all platforms have problems, which is why we sometimes get the “Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed” error for no apparent reason.
How to fix Instagram couldn’t refresh feed?
It’s a common Instagram bug to be unable to refresh your feed. Many Instagram users around the world have recently reported seeing the error message Instagram Couldn’t refresh feed while refreshing their Instagram feed.
You may start the app on your iPhone as usual, but when you try to refresh the page to get the latest changes, the error message “Couldn’t Refresh Feed” appears. It’s upsetting.
So, here are several solutions to the Instagram error.
How to refresh Instagram?
There is no button to refresh the Instagram feed, but you can quit it by pulling down your finger on the screen. If you get the problem “couldn’t refresh the feed,” follow the steps below to repair it.

1. Switch off & on the network connection
The primary reason for this problem is usually a work disconnect. As a result, the first thing you should do if you detect an error is to verify your network connection.
Check to see if your Wi-Fi or mobile data is active. If the network signal is weak, the Instagram error may still occur. So, if you visit a page in your browser and it takes a long time to load, your network signal is weak. So you may wait till the network signal improves before using Instagram, or you could try switching between cellular data and Wi-Fi data to see which one works best.

There are also two other explanations for it:
- Limited Mobile data amount:
If you see this error every month at the end of the month, it’s probably because your cell carrier limits your mobile data after a certain amount of data usage in a month. To resolve this issue, contact your cellphone carrier.
- Overloaded network connection:
This error can occur when a large number of people try to use a mobile network at the same time, such as during a show or a game.
2. Restart Your Phone
If you’re still experiencing the “Couldn’t Refresh Feed” error after trying these solutions, try restarting your phone to see if it solves the problem. It might not work for everyone, but it’s worth a shot.
3. Log out of Instagram app and login again
You can try logging into your Instagram account again to see whether the problem has been resolved.
To log out of Instagram, follow these steps:
1. Open the Instagram app and tap the small profile picture in the home feed to get to your profile.
2. Press three-line icon (hamburger icon)
3. Press setting
4. Press log out
Check if the Instagram app is error-free by logging in again.

4. Update or re-install your Instagram app
An inappropriate post, photo, or comment on your account may have prompted the issue. You should use a computer browser to access Instagram and check whether anything is incorrect with your postings.
5. Try Instagram on PC or other devices
You can check if the bug is present on different devices. You can use a different phone or your tablet instead. You can try open your Instagram account on your computer to see whether the problem still occurs.
You can use the Creator Studio website to post to Instagram from your computer (which belongs to Instagram). To add posts, log in with your Facebook or Instagram account and click Create.
How to report this to Instagram?
If none of the previous approaches work, you can report the issue to Instagram using the instructions below.
1. Open the Instagram app and input your username and password to access your account.
2. Tap your profile image in the right corner of your Instagram feed to go to your profile.
3. Press three-line icon on top right
4. Press setting
5. Press help and choose “Something isn’t working” item
6. Write your report and submit.
That’s it!
In this video, we are gonna show you how to fix Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed error In Android:
If the issue persists, follow these steps to report the error to Instagram:
Go to Instagram, hit the settings icon, then select “Report a Problem” > “Something Isn’t Working” and explain your issue.